Friday, September 26, 2008

Day 57: Pirates exist!

So maybe I am out of the loop or maybe I let the drama and fantasy of Captain Jack Sparrow screw with my mind... but did anybody else realize that actual pirates still existed? I didn't!

So as I read this article on about the U.S. keeping a close eye on pirate ships off the coast of Somalia that had stolen a ton of weapons off of a Soviet ship and are feared to have links to Al-Qaida... what did I think?

Did I think? Oh no, we could be in danger?
Did I think? How are we sure that these people could have links to al-Qaida?
Did I think? Are we taking all of the proper measures to be sure that these people don't get far?

Did I think ANY of these things? Not really.

My real thoughts were... HOLY CRAP... pirates EXIST???

Read the full article here.

And don't worry... more lessons with actual stories involved will emerge again at some point.

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